Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just maybe!

I keep telling myself, just to keep reminding myself to be ready. I keep warning myself, I want push myself because success is my only lady...just maybe! It all comes down to what I believe, and how strong, for how long...just be steady. In all these years, and throughout all these tears, these goals just hunted me, but they don't really want me...just maybe! When it's not for you or it's not for me, all you can do is slow it down, and walk it around...just be steady. My fear is alone, my strength comes along, and I'm still here, are you my fear? When these days go by, and my world is upside down, will someone please hold me down, I don't want to drown....please hold me now!

I keep telling myself, just to keep reminding myself to be ready...It's all ready, too ready...just maybe! Time will tell, from all these spells, when I'm ready, if I had stayed maybe, it would be my last time....just maybe!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Adverse moments are not disappointing answers.

I see you everyday in the moments of my time. I see you in every moment that I vision my dreams becoming unwind. It's the thoughts of you that help me deal with everyday stressful situation that unfolds. The sky is open, and the earth is whole, success is nothing without your hand within mine.

Adverse moments are not disappointing answers.

Days go by and weeks become months, but when my tomorrow become today, I will contract that moment into forever. Everyday that ends with the letter y, is the day when my dreams are to become reality. Tomorrow is not a day, it's only the hopes of fulfilling my success of living the dream.

Adverse moments are not disappointing answers.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Sun of my Universe

In life some people take what is important in their universe and categorize everything to it's relativized desires. Which causes them to make decisions to validate those ideologies. Yet some people are nothing more than a source of light. They are the center of attention, they're single most important desire is their life. It's not until with meet that one person that complements who we are, when we find ourselves complete. You are either a Sun, or the universe. It's the choice of what is your path in life. "I will walk this path for us, if you would be my inspiration of light ~ Adam E Done".

We as people must illuminate the things we love. Every action we make has to complement its source of light. When our paths combine, the Sun of my Universe will form our solar system.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fools Golds

Your hopes and dreams are always yours. Most people want understand you and don't care to learn what you represent. In this time where the selfishness of most others increases daily, protect your self from what looks real, when actually is not. You walk everyday in life to form the person you have become. We take the good alone with the bad, because somethings in life are as they come, and not what we make them out to be. Walk a mile in my shoes, and you still want know the realness which is me. So speak to others with an open ear, and you will learn something more about yourself.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Morning Glory

I have no story to be told.
I have no glory to be sold.
My blessing are just as my sorrows.
The limitless lines of others
The blindness of what is there.
It's the dark places that I find peace.
Every place found in the light,
You will find the hardest fight.
I have no story to be told.
Blood was traded for a street of gold.