Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time will tell!

Within a time the all of everyones' willingness will come to the light, we often don't see our struggles as the prep work for any task we are about to undergo. A written plan can often help. A conversation with a mentor can assist as well. As the saying goes, Rome wasn't build in a day, nor will are goals that inspire you to wake up everyday. We as people will mostly remember the bad things we do in life, not the small good things that are many times needed to ensure a success. You are the dream that drives you forward. So naturally you are the first person to give that dream value. However, you are not the first to make good from chasing a dream.

We do things simply to improve our quality of life. With the results life will change by things such as the arts, inventions, or a cultural awakening. You must define your thoughts which allows others to choose to follow or be inspired by.

Who you are is what you will become and how you will ultimately arrive. We are all in the the pursuit of happiness. No two roads are the same, only similar. The deception of the mind will wonder many thoughts, and the most common of these thoughts define us by nature.

Time will show us everything that your heart desires. Physical or mental, they are both the same. The social fabric of what is known by asking ourselves that question, "Who am I?" results in the mind responding emotionally and the body following physically. Add the repetition of our environment and a dream is born.

Time will tell you a great deal about the world you live in. What you do with your time, will become the result of how you value your time. Success is never a question of "if", only the answer to the question of "When?

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